Nadia Istari
Raised in a family of miners and museologists, Nadia Istari had no chance to be indifferent to treasures and rarities. So when the kid who always ignored the dolls and had pebbles of malachite and nuggets of turquoise under the pillow ended up being a gemstone geek and a Vogue Russia jewellery editor, no one was really surprised.The jewellery business was just a matter of time, a fruit of childhood passion and a result of Nadia encountering some of the world's finest jewels and rarest gems earlier in her career. Fashion take on jewellery was not enough, Nadia embarked on a journey of gemmology courses, gem-hunting and gem-cutting, marketing research and jewellery history.

Today, as a founder of istari, Nadia channels her heritage and training into a singular vision of bespoke jewellery. She curates a collection of istari gems, making sure that even affordable ones are of exceptional beauty and quality. Her selection is a foundation of our promise to create not only a piece of jewellery, but a treasure: something so perfect and precious that resonates with our clients’ hearts.
Our mission
We believe in amazing gems only.
When the excellence of gem-cutting meets
an equal in gold-smithing, a special piece of jewellery is born, ready to resonate on a personal level.

istari emerges from a deep passion for gemstones
which we have developed into
a curated collection of jewellery with lasting value.

Every istari piece is a beautiful treasure
that shines bright as a unique and personal
symbol - a perfect way to express any sentiment or achievement. Ready to impress, ready to fall in love with.
Approach to sustainability
Our brand stands for excellence, authenticity, and lasting value, as we believe that every gemstone should be cherished for generations to come. Our mission is to offer our customers unique, beautiful pieces that reflect our commitment to sustainability and responsible sourcing.

We believe that our responsibility extends beyond just producing beautiful and high-quality jewellery, but also to ensure that our production processes are environmentally and socially responsible. Here are the ways we are committed to sustainability: Ethical Sourcing, Transparency, Continuous improvement
Ethical Sourcing
We source all of our gold and precious stones from ethical and sustainable sources.

We place a high level of importance on our stone sourcing. We understand that obtaining a supply of traceable stones is challenging, yet it is crucial to us. Therefore, we are dedicated to working with our suppliers to source better stones. This means going beyond just knowing the country of origin and also investigating the working conditions and the mining and cutting process of the stones.
We believe in transparency in all aspects of our business, including our sustainability practices. We provide information to our customers about the materials we use, where they come from, and our production processes. We also welcome any questions and feedback from our customers and stakeholders.
Continuous improvement
We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability practices. We regularly review our processes and aim to implement new practices and technologies to minimise our environmental impact and improve our social responsibility. We also collaborate with industry experts and organisations to stay up-to-date on best practices and innovations in sustainable jewellery production.